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Thursday, September 23, 2010

iPod Touch Crackdown

Many people say that they have an iPod of some kind. To me the iPod touch is the best, if you don't count the iPhone. Basically there is only 2 advantages to the iPhone over the iPod, and that is a the phone part and 3G which is Internet everywhere.

Now on to the iPod touch crackdown:
-Mp3 Player
-Gaming Concole
-Web Browser
-Common data: (weather, time, date, ext.)
----Best of All----

Apps which is short for applications is one of the most sucessful thing on the iPod touch. It gives hundreds of thousands of things all on your iPod. You could have a cook book. A game. Even a guide to your favorite game.

Now to wrap this up
I have to talk about on the iPod 4 you have 2 camera one on the front one on the back. You can use it for face chatting with friends the only thing is that you must have wifi in your home or were you are at to do 90% of the feature.

iPod 3rd Generation Picture:
iPod 4th Generation Picture:

Hope you enjoyed,

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