Fact checking is a very important part of doing any research article or paper. People will use your facts to do there own research and guess what happens when you don't have the right facts.... The bad information SPREADS! One person sees your article and now whenever that person is asked or questioned about the subject they will tell them your incorrect info. Now two people think they have the right facts and they will tell others. Well you say someone will tell that this is incorrect, but say 10 people read your article and only one person is told it is wrong. You still have 9 people who are spreading the virus of your own creation.
How to avoid the problem of bad information:
- Always check against other sources other then just your own brain. You should check again more then one, just so you know they information your checking against isn't wrong itself.
- Have other people who know about the subject read over your piece.
- Look over what you wrote and see if it makes sense to you.
Be careful of what you write.
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